To register for Pinkathon Delhi 2015, please click here.
“Health Awareness is Respectful, Wholesome, Inspiring , Caring , Holistic , Nurturing, Understanding, Reassuring , Supportive and Empowering.”
Shivani Sharma , a pre-final medical student from Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Cancer Awareness Advocate at I-MediSTAR strongly believes that PINKATHON could provide for a wonderful platform to spread awareness about breast cancer among women. Therefore, she decided to motivate her colleagues and the community to participate in the run. She along with Shikhar Chohan led the team of volunteers comprising of Kaavya , Shikha , Ananya and Rachaita under the guidance of the Founders of I-MediSTAR, Dr. Avantika Singh and Dr. Krishna Adit Agarwal.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females across the world. It usually starts with a tiny lump which is often not recognised by the lady until it gradually progresses to frank cancer over a varied time period. The most important approach to prevention of breast cancer includes regular self breast examination to detect the presence of tiny lumps which can be treated while they are still at an early stage. Other approached include regular examination by the physician and imaging studies.
Pinkathon, while being a health-promoting walk in itself also drives home the very important message of “caring for self”. It motivates women to take control of their health, to know more about their body and to know how to prevent breast cancer. It encourages the health-promoting practice of self breast examination and makes women aware of the need to consult a doctor as soon as any suspicious lump is detected by them.
So, Shivani and her team started mobilizing support of medical professionals from various medical colleges and hospitals across Delhi. Pledging by the motto of ‘Each one, Kheench One’ , 343 medical students and graduates registered for the health run.
14th September, the day of the run, saw women from all walks of life leading to Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in their pink(athon) tee-shirts. They had a mission – to raise awareness about breast cancer and save their fellows from the ugly disease. The day started with a pep talk by Mr. Milind Soman, followed by enthralling zumba performance and the male cheerleaders cheering for all the lovely ladies! The event was the perfect example of sisterhood, the stadium air being full of determination and enthusiasm of the ladies. The most inspiring moment of the event was seeing a 78 year old lady complete the walk and receive the “Fittest Woman” award.
To sum it all up, Pinkathon is a unique health initiative and we at I-MediSTAR are proud to be associated with it this year. We thank the entire team for putting up a great event and we as medical professionals are grateful to them for raising awareness about such an important health issue which concerns every mother, daughter and sister in this world. We wish them the best of luck for all future events and hope that we are able to contribute in a bigger way in the next event.
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