The Pseudoness of Being

One line of thought leads to another. A chain reaction sets forth.

Neuronal synapses are established in the brain.
Neurotransmitters released.
Impulses relayed.
I think.
Another synapse. Transmitter. Impulse.
Another thought.
All this and more in the split of a second.
All the labour by the poor little molecules because I just thought a ‘thought’.
Despite this, we all are extremely casual about our thoughts and take them for granted.
Like we take (and now took) oxygen.
Little do we care about losing our neuronal synapses or the universal energy to random or useless thoughts.

If I ever knew that every single thought of mine makes such a powerful and permanent impact on my brain, would I have had thought differently?
Maybe thought less? Maybe more?
Whoever said, “I am what I think” couldn’t have been further closer to the truth.

The consciousness, the cognition, the awareness.
Strangeness and familiarity. And then deja vu.
Memory, emotions, reactions.
All are a result of similar synapses in different parts of the brain.

So, is it possible that we can actually answer/alter the “Who I am”s just by thinking differently?

Indeed, the ‘Sense of Being’ is merely an abstract thought.
‘What I think’ is surely the answer to ‘Who I am’, which is decided not by others but by my own synapses. Others might influence or direct my thoughts in a particular manner but the active thinking process is definitely my domain.

All the goodwill or animosity that I have for others, is not because they are good or bad but ‘cuz I chose to think of them to be so.

Hence, the world as we perceive it, is an amalgamation of the way we have shaped our thoughts/synapses about it: To each one, his OWN World.

To put it otherwise, each one of us has all the power to mould ourselves and the world around us merely by choosing to ‘think’ the ‘right’ kind of ‘thoughts’.

Also, it is equally essential for us to de-clutter our brain-space of the gigabytes of the useless or destructive synapses we feed into it on a daily basis.

Finally, to make a point of a religious belief, that :

“The entire world is but a mere thought of a higher being, God, and maybe it sees its last when God ceases to think.”

Another synapse. Transmitter. Impulse.
Another thought.



— By Avantika Singh

Posted on June 4, 2009 at

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