A team of medical students led by Dr. Simran Kaur conducted a free health camp for the students of ‘Govt. Sarvodaya Co-Ed. Vidyalaya, Jaffarpur Kalan, New Delhi’ on 3rd December 2015. This initiative was taken under the auspices of I-MediSTAR™ and included medical students Ms. Heena Yadav and Ms. Vibha Yadav.
As part of the health camp, 120 school-going children belonging to the age group of 7-10 years were screened for common health conditions and coached about healthy lifestyle habits. The importance of hand and general body hygiene was specifically emphasized. In an effort to promote the complete physical, mental and social well-being of children, they were provided with a pamphlet listing 16 health- promoting habits.
The children’s response to this health camp was very encouraging and the medical team was congratulated on this endeavor by the school’s principal Mr. Bhoor Singh.
I-MediSTAR™ is proud of Simran, Heena and Vibha for this excellent initiative and committed to supporting more of such endeavors in the future.
Note: If you would like to conduct a health camp in your area or if you have any suggestions regarding community health screenings, please email us at contact@imedistar.org
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